In the upcoming months and years, numerous changes will go into effect in regards to the implementation of revenue recognition and lease accounting standards. Do not let these changes overwhelm
What You Need to Know About Topic 606: Revenue From Contracts With Customers
Topic 606 establishes a single, comprehensive framework for understanding when and how much revenue is to be recognized when dealing with revenue from customers. Find information here regarding updates, background, scope
Revenue Recognition: Are You Ready for the New Standard?
Written by Derrel Curry, CPA, CGMA and Stephen Von Hagel, CPA, CGMA As many of you are aware, in 2014, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued a new standard
Written by Derrel Curry, CPA, CGMA Several accounting and reporting changes are effective for your calendar year 2016 financial statements or your fiscal year-end 2017 financial statements, collectively referred to