You need assurance that your plan is acting in accordance with the legal plan document. We can help.
BMSS offers you an engagement team that is a consistent presence year after year. The team is efficient with its work and committed to providing an audit experience that will leave you eager to do it all again. We don’t bring stress and complexities; we bring fresh ideas and enhanced efficiencies. Our professionals receive specific annual training in employee benefit plan (EBP) audits and will help you understand your plan, determine the most streamlined audit process tailored to your plan and offer recommendations for improvement. In addition to meeting your federal reporting obligations and helping to identify issues that could lead to noncompliance penalties, an employee benefit plan audit helps provide you and your employees with the peace of mind that the funds will be available and your plan’s future is secure.
Get StartedOur EBP Audit Solutions
Employee benefit plan financial statements are an important accountability mechanism that provide reliable data to assess the plan’s present and future ability to pay benefits. How can BMSS assist you?
Internal Controls
Work with human resources and accounting departments to develop internal controls and policies and procedures related to retirement plans
Compliance Matters
Guide clients through ERISA compliance matters and provide assurance that the plan is acting in accordance with the legal plan document.
Resolve Issues
Work with clients to resolve issues through the DOL and IRS correction programs.
Provide audits for ERISA Section 103(a)(3)(c) audit (formally limited scope) and Non-Section 103(a)(3)(c) audit (formally full scope).
Form 5500
Assist you with preparing Form 5500 if needed.
System and Organization Controls (SOC) Audit Engagements
Assist with preparing or consulting on a SOC report for you or a complementary subservice organization.
Our audit experience includes defined benefit and profit-sharing plans, 401(k)s, money purchase pension plans and ESOP. We provide EBP audits for companies that range from 100 employees up to 5,000 employees.
The BMSS Difference
Let us bring you peace of mind.
In a report issued by the Department of Labor, the DOL indicated that a firm who is a member of the AICPA’s Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center (EBPAQC) statistically has fewer generally accepted auditing standards deficiencies. BMSS has voluntarily been a member of the EBPAQC since 2012. By joining the audit quality center, we have agreed to meet specific experience, training and practice monitoring requirements.
We leverage our relationships with relevant service organizations to better assist our clients.
- AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center
- AICPA Center for Audit Quality
- Alabama Profit Sharing Council
- Society for Human Resource Management