In the upcoming months and years, numerous changes will go into effect in regards to the implementation of revenue recognition and lease accounting standards. Do not let these changes overwhelm you!
BMSS is here to help you understand and prepare for these new professional standards so that you can tackle them head on. We are equipped with knowledgeable experts to assist you with the implementation dates as well as to help you understand how these changes may impact you and your business.
We have created a short, four-part video for you so that you can better understand the impact of these changes.
Video Broken Down by Parts:
Part One: Introduction to BMSS Overview of Revenue Recognition & Leases (0:37 seconds)
Part Two: Revenue Recognition Update by BMSS Member Michael Brand (4:12)
Part Three: Leases Update by BMSS Member Derrel Curry (2:26)
Part Four: Closing to BMSS Overview of Revenue Recognition & Leases (0:50 seconds)
To watch the entire video click here (8:05)
Contact your BMSS accounting professional at (833) CPA-BMSS with any questions you may have.